Oct 052009

I’ve been involved in refugee resettlement work since 2001 when we resettled our first refugees, a family from Bosnia.  Since then we’ve sponsored a number of other families from such countries as Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, and Burma.

The goal of this activity is to help these wonderful people start new lives and become functional contributing members of our society.  We’ve been quite successful in our efforts. 

For more information about refugee resettlement, our specific projects, and help for your efforts, see the refugee resettlement support blog.  While there be sure to sign up to be among the first to learn about the release of the new refugee resettlement “how-to” guide that I am writing.

Now, with that background information presented, I have to point out that refugee resettlement is a lot of work.  It takes a team to handle all the details.  Typically with each family there comes a day that is truly remarkable.

Yesterday we had such a day.  This was with one of our Burmese families who arrived a couple years ago.  Two children in the family decided that they wanted to be baptised.  The effort was combined with three children from other families in a grand outdoor immersion experience.

For details you can see the blog article called Karen Refugee Baptism.